Friday, July 29, 2011

It's in the bag!

I love to make new things out of old stuff!

Hello there again!
  I was visiting my friend, Mary Jane, who owns a upscale/resale shop. It's always fun to see what goodies she has there. If you're in the Indianapolis area, look her up "Divine Consign", in Mooresville, Indiana.
  Anyway...I found these great pants, but not crazy about drawstring bottoms. Plus I really needed shorts. So I decided to cut them off, hem them, and voila~ I had a great pair of cargo shorts.
  But then I had the 'bottoms' left over, which had a ready made drawstring in them.
So I sewed the top of the pants closed, and had two great little duffel bags. The drawstring was already there. EASY!      PANTS LEG~ DRAWSTRING DUFFLES

You can find camoflage pants, with drawstring bottoms, at the thrift shops, or garage sales and make your own. "Camo" is very popular right now.  Or if a pair of pants you want to shorten doesn't have drawstrings, you can easily make your own. Just hem the top, large enough for a long shoestring, leaving a little opening to feed the string through. Then knot the shoestring to secure.

My daughter Dana might like this project. Although she is a wonderful seamstress/artist already. Check out her website: Her twin sister Betsy is an artist too, and also makes incredible clothing by sewing and knitting. They just started their own knitted projects blog: 

I'm using my mini duffel for a toiletry bag, and the other duffel for a traveling laundry bag. Think I'll go on a trip, just so I can use them!

Tip of the Day:

Next time you buy aluminum foil, or Saran wrap, or wax paper...look at the ends of the box. If you see a perforated U shape, punch that inward.
That keeps the roll from flying out when you open the box to yank out the foil, wrap or paper!  If the ends do not have this feature, make your own.
Take an exacto-knife, or box cutter and carefully cut a large V shape leaving the top uncut so you can fold this inward to 'catch' the roll.

that's all for now


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