Friday, August 5, 2011

Easy as Pie!

I love making new things outta old stuff!

July is over, and August is here. Where is the time going? We have weddings, reunions, graduations, housewarmings, and it's always nice to bring a handmade gift. This one is super fast and super easy, and not only useful, but recycled!
Pie Plate

you need:
~ a plate
~ an old style champagne glass
~ glue: E6000 or Amazing Goop

You can find fun and funky plates at the local thrift shop, garage sales, dollar store or hidden in the back of your cabinet.
The reason you want to use an old fashioned champagne glass for the base, is because it's squat, with a wide bowl. This makes it more stable. You can usually find these at the same place as the plates.

If you can't find a glass, you can use a ramekin, or custard dish.

Turn the plate upside down, find the center. Put a lot of glue on the bottom of the champagne glass and press it onto the plate. Hold for a few seconds, then turn it over and put some books or heavy object on the plate to weigh it down overnight.

In the morning you'll find a cute and functional gift that you can say "I made it myself"! Bring a cake or pie to serve on it, and you'll be the 'sweet' hit of the event.

tip of the day:
I love summer, but it brings bugs. I found that the main ingredient in most 'sting sticks' is ammonia. I am allergic to deer fly bites. But when I rub ammonia on immediately after a bite... no pain, no swelling.
This works for mosquito bites also. If you get to the bite right away, it really relieves the itching. I carry a cotton ball soaked in ammonia in an empty film canister wherever I go during the summer. This has come in handy for many friends and neighbors (and me) to help relieve bites and stings. *make sure to keep it away from eyes!

That's all for now

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