Friday, August 12, 2011

That Caps it!

I love making new things from old stuff

Right now, Tom and I are in Helena, Montana. We attended a great wedding and the following week was an awesome family reunion.
Of course there was lots of food, and fun, and beverages being consumed. And where's there's bottles, there's bottle caps! And when I see a bunch of cool designs, I get ideas.

Today's project is:
Bottle Cap Magnets

you need:
~ bottle caps
~ pliers
~ strong glue (E6000, or Amazing Goop or Gorilla Glue)
~ magnets (round ones preferably)
~ hammer
~ cardboard (2 small pieces)

As you see in the above picture, you start with prying the edges open a bit with your pliers. (that's the second row of caps) Work your way around the cap a little bit at a time. You don't have to stretch it out fully, just enough so when you hit it, it will flatten outward.

Then you take your hammer, the cardboard and the bottle cap. Sandwich the cap, "good side" up,  between the two cardboard pieces and on a hard surface (sidewalk or driveway) and hit it gently all around to flatten it out. Then turn the cap over, and repeat hitting it, so that it flattens out evenly. (see picture above, last row)
The cardboard protects the cap, otherwise the hammer will give it a worn out, scratched up look.

Then squeeze a blob of glue on the magnet and press onto the 'wrong' side of the bottle cap. Wait overnight to let it cure fully. The next day, you'll have a nice assortment of magnets. Great gift for friends with favorite drinks.  Bring a six pack along with the magnets, and you'll be the Best Guest!

tip of the day:
Since we're talking about magnets... do you ever get advertisements that have a magnet on the back? Sometimes different events advertise this way, realtors give you a magnetic mini- calendars, companies have their business cards on a magnetic backing.
Well, don't throw it away, you can recycle the magnet.
Take one of your own photographs, place the magnetic card on it, trace around it, cut it out and glue onto the 'non-magnetic' side. And voila ~ you now have a cool personalized magnet instead of a pesty advertisement.

That's it for now



  1. I think I saw something like this in a fancy shop for over $5! It's awesome to know I can make them myself. I have a huge collection of really cool bottle caps from small breweries around the country. I better start hammering!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Glue! Strong stuff."

    And we were just talking about those caps too! Awesome work! Something a little different than the epoxy ones
