Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Box of Sweet Traits

Well, first I have to apologize for not posting for so long. I don't think I have that many followers, so I never feel too bad about that.  Until someone asks me "What's going on with your blog"? (Thank you Sheila) and that reminds me that, yes, there are a few out there that take the time to read my stuff.

So gratefully and humbly here I am.  First I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I know I did. My girls and their hubbies (and my 4 "Grand-Dogs") were all here for Christmas. Being together is what made it sooo special. We had such a wonderful time!!!  I will post some pix later this month of the fun stuff we did. But now I want to share this year's Birthday Card.

My sweet "twinkies" turned 32 and every year I try to make them a special birthday card. This year I came up with the idea of a box of paper chocolates that were filled with the girl's wonderful character traits.

So this project is:

Birthday Box of Sweets

you need:
decorative papers, glue, small box and sweet treats (optional)

I used a cigar box for one 'candy box'. On the outside I printed a birthday message onto scrapbook paper from my computer. On the inside of the lid of the box I printed this:
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will get"... And we are so happy we got you, because you are:

And then I made a paper divider for the bottom of the box, and started making lots of little boxes from scrapbook paper or old cards, etc. These have to fit into the little spaces. If you would like to know how to make the little boxes please go back into my blog archive 12-30-11 to see how to do it.

Then I printed sweet traits (ex. talented, pretty, patient, etc.)  onto long strips. These I glued these into the boxes. Then I found some small chocolate treats and put them into the boxes also.

I told the girls that they could eat one treat a day, and exemplify that trait throughout the day. That way the card/gift keeps on giving. They loved it, and I loved making it!  Remember, a special gift doesn't have to cost a lot, be resourceful, recycle and put your time and love into it.

tip of the day:
After the holidays, it can be a lonesome time. Take a minute, drop someone a note, call a friend to come over for a board game, throw a pot-luck party for some silly reason! Did you not hear from someone in December, call or email to see how they are doing.

That's all for now,