Friday, August 30, 2013

Recycled Store Hanger

You know those hangers you get when you buy pants or lingerie?  (undies to the rest of us)
They have two clips at the end, short hanger, plastic, presumably useless after you take off the underpants and toss the hanger in the garbage or you tell the cashier to keep 'em!

STOP!  This lowly little hanger can do so much more. #1...If you take pliers and pry off the two ends where the clips have two strong clips that can be used for chips, bags, etc. Smoosh, break, file or whatever it takes to give you a smooth edge.

#2~Then...the little wimpy hanger that is left can be turned into an infant clothes hanger! Brilliant!!!

Today's project:
recycled hanger
What you need is:
store hanger
 First go out and get some new undies. You know you need them. Splurge! or buy some new pants, winter is on its way. (OR just go into the store and ask for those hangers.)
Keep ALL the hangers they come on. Take pliers and bend, bend, re-bend in the opposite direction til the ends come off. Stash those for future use with loads of things you need a good, strong clip for. (That pile of bills? maybe, perhaps you have a big pile of cash you need to clip? Wouldn't that be nice?!)
Cut the batting, I used 2 pieces of 4" X 8"  that would fit the length of one side of the hanger. I also cut 2 pieces of fabric about 12" long, and about 3" wide.

I wrapped the batting around the hanger. It stuck pretty good on it's own, no need to sew, but if you like you can handstitch it to itself. Then I sewed the long fabric piece, back stitching only ONE end. So that I can pull the free end threads and shirr the fabric.
Pull the bobbin thread GENTLY on both sides of the fabric until it reaches the length of the hanger. Turn right side out and snuggle this fabric onto the batting covered hanger edge.
Then hand stitch the two edges of the fabric together. Last touch is to add a ribbon over the stitching and tie in a cute bow at the top. So now you have a cute hanger using a recycled item. Yay!
tip of the day:
I don't remember if I used this tip before...but if I did - it's worth repeating. Save the pickle juice you get in your nice big jar of dill pickles. You can make easy pickled asparagus or beans with this. Blanche the asparagus or string beans in boiling water for 2 min.  Then plunge into cold water to stop cooking. Take the veggies and put into the jar with pickle juice. Let it sit in this for about 2 weeks (or longer). I use these pickled veggies to garnish my tray of deviled eggs, or eat for an antipasto.
That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome tips! I always wondered how to make those padded hangers. A whole matching set would be so cute! I could even hang my dogs' hand-knit sweaters on some...
