Friday, November 2, 2012

Rainy Day Art

My apologies to my loyal readers for my absence lately.
So many things have been happening that I neglected you, and I am sorry for that.

After a big wedding, and traveling back to the Midwest, and various visitors, and then we visiting, and then the death of my beloved little cat, several craft fairs and just day to day stuff, I'm feeling like time has zipped by, and I want to get back into my routine. 

Does that happen to you? Time seems to speed by when you sit back and take a breath and tell yourself  "don't worry about it, relax, don't stress about keeping on a schedule".  And before you know it...
not just days, but WEEKS have passed and you kick yourself in your butt (yes, you can do this), and you take the time (and it REALLY doesn't take that long) to do what you need to do.... you fill in the blanks (whatever YOU need to do)...write, create, compute, communicate, relate, interact, organize.

I want to encourage you to take 1/2 hour a day to do those chores you don't want to do, but need to do. Then smile, and take on the rest of your day. You can do it, and I will be there with you doing it, too.

My project for today is:
You will need:
an umbrella
acrylic paint
hair dryer

First, get online and look up your favorite artist. I have used 3 artists: Matisse, Van Gogh and Monet.

If you are not confident in your artistic ability, pick an artist whose art is not precise. Such as impressionists, abstract, etc.

Paint onto the umbrella, and when it is dried, blow the hair dryer onto it to set the paint. This will make it waterproof. Nothing like having your umbrella drip paint in a rain storm, ugh.

This is not only pretty, one of a kind, handmade, recycled, but functional. EVERYONE can use an umbrella, right? And if it doesn't turn out just right, who cares? Art should be fun, instead of signing the artist's name, sign your own...That's yours, and will always be just RIGHT!
Did you ever see a Jackson Pollock? He splattered, dripped and blobbed paint on. Go for it!

Hey, how about getting a kid to paint it? What a great gift for a parent to use something their child did.

tip of the day:
Winter is coming and with that comes dry skin. Try using Vaseline instead of expensive lotions. If you wear running shoes or gym shoes, and get dry feet, slather on the Vaseline, then white cotton socks. After your workout, or walk, you'll have softer tootsies. Also a little on your hands will help with dry, chapped fingers. Spas use stuff like this, then slap on mittens and sockies and let it soak in. So why not you?

That's all for now...


  1. I agree, life can get so busy and complicated! It helps to know I'm not alone. Thanks for taking time out to share cute projects!

  2. I want one of those umbrellas! Can I just buy one from you??
