Tuesday, November 20, 2012

happy Thanksgiving

Well, it's that time again...
The year has zipped by, where were we?? So many things have happened this past year.
Life has brought us to the holidays, and are we ready? I am! (hee hee)
Sorry, not to gloat, but I've been stashing away gifts and looking forward to this time of year, for 11 months.

I love Christmas...everything about it (except snow and cold).
I love thinking about others, what they might like, I see things throughout the year, and buy goodies or better yet...make things (when I hear a hint about what my dear ones might like).
I love to looke forward to the look on their faces when they open a gift that is especially made for them.
And the funny thing is, I end up with more than I thought (sort of life's 'lay away').
But that's okay. Here it is Thanksgiving. So many activities surrounding the holidays, and so many crafts to try. Every magazine has tons of ideas, recipes and things to do.

Today's project is a simple one that focuses on the Thanksgiving table. A simple napkin holder. But creating an addition to the festivities is always fun. This picture is just plain cardboard. YOU have to find that special paper with special prints to accent your table.

Find double sided card stock, or use a gift box (you get from the dollar store) and glue decorative paper on the plain side.
Draw and cut out the  1/2 leaf shape onto each end of a long rectangle. Make sure you cut the two slits (on opposite sides) to connect the ends together. When you attach the ends, it will make a maple leaf. (right now, it looks like a spiky dachshund with two heads, ha ha)

This is a fun, quick and funtional craft that adds a handmade touch to the holiday dinner.
That way you are contributing to the day, even if you are not the chef!

IF you are traveling, be safe! Have fun and stop every once in a while, breathe and enjoy!!!!

tip of the day:
Soup is great this time of year. And most of the leftovers you have from dinner, can be combined into a great soup. V-8 is a great base for soup, add some chicken broth and throw in the veggies and turkey pieces.  Freeze it for future frosty days. (remember to leave 1/2" space in the container for freezing bloat.). We might not eat so much, knowing that our yummy leftovers will be enjoyed later.

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