Friday, December 7, 2012

Post Thanksgiving

What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had...
Driving up to Seattle is a long way, but so worth it.
Having my girls together and their guys, and us was so much fun.

Justin outdid himself on the cooking.
And Betsy outdid herself on the decorations. Here are only a few of the fun things she made:
a nice card using real feathers

A Mayflower nut holder and feather mobile. Unfortunately, my pix are sideways!
 (Can't figure out why flipped over. So just turn your head to the right...)
So you can see how adding those special little creations around make a big impact on your holiday entertaining. And it's fun to do !!
Now we are all getting ready for Christmas. Hopefully that holiday will be as much fun as this one was!
Tip of the day:
Think about recycling your Kleenex boxes for those gifts like cookies and sweets.
Just cut off the tops and put tissue paper inside, and fill with yummies. The pretty designs on the boxes won't need any more wrappings.

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