Saturday, August 25, 2012


I have a cat. It was my daughter's cat that she rescued back in 2002. We never knew how old she was. But Dana discovered that her landlord said "no pets". Sooooo, I ended up with her. Her name is Taavi. Which is a name that Dana learned from a book of Estonia tales, that her grammy gave her. But as it turned out, this female cat ended up with a 'boy' name. Because Taavi means David.
Anyway...we had several cats at the time, and she did not get along with any of them. So she ended up inside, and the others were exiled outside. This princess attitude (Cat-titude) fit her perfectly, and she has been the one and only ever since.
Now Taavi is getting very old. She is our only pet now. She's lost weight and when you pet this 'purr machine', you can feel every rib. It's becoming clear that her life is coming to an end. She wants attention constantly, doesn't have much energy, and hides in corners. This makes us very sad, but she has had a good life. But saying goodbye to 'ANYONE OR ANYBODY' has been a tearful, terribly sad situation for me and I am crying now just thinking about it.
So this post is for our sweet kitty, with an attitude.
Today's project is:
SOCK KITTIES with attitudes.
You will need: kid socks, stuffing, needle and thread, and embroidery floss.

As you see in the picture, the cat's muzzles are the 'heels' of the socks. and their legs are the 'opening' of the socks.  You will need to machine stitch or hand stitch legs.
Turn the sock inside out. Cut a curve shape above the 'heel'. Sew two leg shapes from the opening. Cut the legs apart. Then stitch the top (head and ear) closed.  Now cut a small slit under the muzzle to allow you to turn the sock right side out.

Stuff the sock and stitch closed the opening. This part I embroider over with pink thread in a heart shape. Thus you have no obvious stitched closure.

Now is the fun part. Making the attitude of the kitty by sewing arms that will end up in pockets.
Take white thread, and stitch through the sides of the kitty. Each one will end up differently. That's the great thing. They have their own personalities. Stitch black embroidery thread for a face. and any color for pockets.

I use an extra long needle for easier sewing through the bodies.

tip of the day:
While I was facing painting at our local community picnic, I got three spots of green paint on my white linen shirt. Egads, I tried everything to get it out. But to no avail. So I resorted to my secret weapon...White Out.  Yes, I put a drop of white out on the spots, and it covered them beautifully. I have washed this shirt several times, and this crazy stuff has never come off. (So what does that tell you if you accidentally get it on other stuff...don't!)

That's it for now...

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