Friday, December 30, 2011

Mini Boxes

Well, Christmas was awesome for me this year!!!
And I'm glad for every moment and everyone. I hope your holiday was a special one, too.
I snuck in an extra post before this one, in case some of you clean up your holiday decorations right afterward. So I hope some of you have saved some Christmas cards, as I suggested then, because this project will be using them.

We will be making:  Mini Card Boxes 

You will need: 2 cards, tape or glue and scissors
First step is to take the front off the card. You can use the back of the card for the bottom of the box if you wish, or if it has too much writing on it, use another card front. The bottom of the box must be a little smaller than the cover, so cut 1/4" off one side and the top.
Working on the blank side of the card, you will take a straighedge (ruler, envelope, another card, whatever) and put it on the top left corner across to the bottom right corner and make a line in the middle. Do the same to the other corners to form an X. This will show you the exact middle of the card.

Then you will take the top edge, bring it to the X, and fold. Do the same with all four sides. See photo below.  Use a popsicle stick, or the handle of your scissors to flatten down the folds well.
Then make 4 cuts as shown (only on the fold lines).
Remember...if you mess up, don't worry, start again with another card, practice on a card 'back' first if you want to until you get the hang of it.
Then you will fold in the two sides, and fold up the end over these and glue or tape. Do the same with the other side. That's it!

I have used these little boxes for so many things. They are just so fun to make. Of course, the bigger paper you use, the bigger the box. You can even make gift boxes from card stock, old calendars, etc., any stiff paper will work. Remember to save any greeting cards you receive also for little gift boxes the rest of the year.

How about this year you make several of these, and put in your goals and predictions for next year, stow them away in your Christmas decorations, and bring them out in 2012, and have fun seeing how many came true.  Or put nice thoughts into them (like a fortune cookie), hang them on the tree (just add thread to the lid corner before you glue it shut) and when friends and family come over, they can pick one. Or use them for a 'treasure hunt' to find bigger gifts hidden around the house (put the recipients name on the bottom of the box). Lots of possibilities.

Tip of the day:
Are your winter sweaters looking a bit 'pilly', you know those little balls of yarn that stick out and make your knitted garments look shabby? Well, here's a couple of ideas to get rid of them, take an old razor and shave your sweater (old razor is better, not so sharp) or I saw this one on TV: use the 'sticky' part of velcro and pick up those pilly balls with it.  Or if your sweater is totally hopeless, and made of wool, you can felt it. Put it into your washing machine on HOT setting. Wash a few times, and it will shrink up tight. You can use this for lots of things, as it won't fray when you cut it. Perhaps another post on felted wool, or old sweaters next time! :) stay tuned!!

and a HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all !

That's all for this week...

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