This past Thursday we had a cookie exchange with my neighbors.
It was a great success and great fun. Not only did we have an incredible selection of cookies to pick from and bring home, but we had made plenty to add to our local community Christmas Baskets.
Everyone made 5-6 dozen cookies. We tried to inform the bakers who was making what, so we would not duplicate too many. Even if you are not a baker, get one of those Pillsbury slice and bake packages. But if you have a special recipe, it's fun to copy it, and have those ready to hand out to the other bakers. Everyone loves a good recipe!
I set out all the cookies on my dining table. Then I assign who will be the 'fillers' and who will be the 'decorators'. I get the glue gun plugged into the kitchen counter outlet (away from the kids). This we use to attach the box top decorations.
I printed some cards on the computer, with a message on the inside. The children that were there helped color the blank fronts, in the living room, with crayons (on my coffee table, covered with a plastic tablecloth). That kept them busy (for a little while :), so we could sort and pack up the cookies. After the Christmas Baskets were taken care of (1 doz. for each elderly neighbor, and 2 doz. for every needy family) we then could pick OUR cookies to take home.
One of our friends scored some cake boxes to put the goodies in (donated from her friend). But in the past, we have used plastic containers with decorated lids, and these work as well.
We always try to add a festive touch. One crafty neighbor sprays gold paint on acorns that she has collected in the Fall, and we add these, with a glue gun and ribbon to the top of the boxes.
One year we wove beautiful gold ribbon around laundry baskets where the food and cookies were to be delivered by our local volunteer Fire Dept. You could also get some styrofoam 'take out' containers, and wrap the outside with colored celephane. Leave the ends long, tie ribbons close to the box, so it resembles a big piece of candy. What a treat that would be to receive.
Everyone brings their own ziploc bags, or containers to take THEIR share home. It's a lot of fun to get together and share recipes and be able to not only take goodies home with us, but to share with our neighbors who won't have such a bountiful Christmas. Do you have an elderly neighbor who needs some holiday love?
Some friends couldn't make the actual exchange, but brought their cookies a day or two early. We distribute those, and then fill up some ziploc bags for them. It's a good excuse to go 'a visitin' to deliver their goodies, or have them over another time, for a quiet cup of tea and to enjoy some sweets.
Why not have your own cookie exchange? Share a glass of Christmas cheer and spend some time with friends. Remember, it's all the experiences we have together that make our Christmas memories. Not the shopping, or running around in a frenzy being too busy to enjoy each other. So take a breath, call up some folks, and get the flour and sugar out!
That's all for this week.
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