Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Bunny

     I had a great Easter, and hope you did too.
I became a Godmother, to my neighbor's little girl. I'm soooo thrilled. It was a nice baptism on a very special day. My own daughters were christened on Easter Sunday. So this was a special day.
I am a Godmother to 3 girls now, and each one is very special to me!
     We had an awesome brunch at our friend's house, and I think the whole neighborhood came. The weather was great and the food and company was fantastic. The weather cleared up and was bright and sunny and warm. A nice respite from the cold and rain we have been having. There was an Easter egg hunt outside and the kids sure had a great time.
     The night before, the Easter Bunny (me) visited a couple of homes and left 'footprints'.
I made a stencil from butcher paper of paw prints and using a flour sifter and flour I left bunny prints for the little ones to find in the morning.
     I did this with my own little darlings down the hall of our house when they were small. The looks on their faces was priceless.
     Hope some of you tried out the egg decorating tips I posted last week. They were a hit this year as always. :)

tip of the day:
You can use your hard boiled eggs in lots of ways. Add them to salads, make egg salad (chop up and add mayo, chopped up pickles), egg salad and potato salad together make an awesome side dish. Peel the eggs, and put them in a jar with the juice of pickled beets. (either eat the beets right away, or put them in another container). After a week or so, the eggs will have a wonderful pickled flavored, AND be purple around the edges when you cut them up. Pretty!

That's all for this week...

1 comment:

  1. That is such a great memory! I loved the bunny footprints in the hallway; waking up, following the footprints and knowing there was something awesome waiting for me! xoxo
