Friday, February 10, 2012

Circle of Hearts

Well that special time of year is here.
Fighting the pounds we put on at Christmas and New Year's parties just in time for another hurdle.
Valentine Chocolates!!! eek...
But this week's project is totally guilt free, and you can have as many of these around to celebrate this heartfelt holiday without gaining an ounce.

Paper Heart Rings
You will need:
~napkins (square)
~freezer paper (optional)

Look at the napkin. See the way it's folded? It has an 'open' corner and a 'folded' corner.
You will be folding this napkin into an ice cream cone shape, with the open end always up. Fold 2 times.

Take your scissors and cut two curve shapes (like the top of a heart) off the top. This will cause all the folds to turn into a heart shape, when opened.

Then you need to cut the bottom off so you leave a point.
Open up for your heart ring! If you use large napkins, you can also use the bottom cut out for a coaster. (See photo at top.)
You can scatter these heart rings all over your Valentine table. Under clear plates, under cookies or chocolates, under glass vases, votive candles, etc.

Now if you want to have these delicate napkins a bit stronger ~ iron on some freezer paper (the waxy side to the napkin) BEFORE you cut the heart shapes out. This works with delicate fabric also.

You can use either large or small napkins, or both.
These are real cute and easy, so make a bunch!
IF you don't have napkins, you can use wrapping paper, origami paper, etc.

tip of the day:
My dad gave me this tip a long time ago. If you get something in your eye, such as an eyelash, take a kleenex, fold up a few times to create a pointy end (like the ice cream cone shape we made above).
Gently touch this onto the irritant, and it will be absorbed onto the kleenex. If it doesn't work the first time, refold and use a new, dry end, and try again.

That's all for this week...

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