Friday, November 18, 2011

Pain in the Neck!

I love to make new things from old stuff!

With the holidays coming, and things getting so busy, I'm getting a bit stressed.
And when I get stressed, I get a neck ache. Not to say I'm a pain in the neck,
which I can be...but that stiff neck, between the shoulder blades pain. ARG!

So to get the kinks out in the morning or at the end of a long day, it's good to put a warm rice bag on those achy muscles.  Also a great gift (just use a brand new pillowcase or pretty fabric) for Christmas or a birthday.
*I made two, one for me and one for a gift. So I used an old plain pillowcase for the insides, and a nice new flannel one for the outer case.

Today's project is:

Rice bag neck warmer

You'll need:
~a cotton pillowcase (any old one is fine, remember we are recycling)
~long grain rice (not instant)
 2 small bags (36 oz.) will fill one bag, with a bit left over.
~scissors and a sewing machine
~velcro fasteners (optional)

Now some of you may not have a sewing machine, but know someone who does. If you do the cutting out and measuring everything first, I bet that friend of yours that has a sewing machine would be happy to help you. All the sewing is quick, straight stitching.  Hey, make one for you and give the other one to her.

You will lay out the pillowcase out, and measure about 8 1/2" from the edge, and mark lengthwise. Cut this long piece out. One side will hold the rice. The other side (slightly wider) will be the cover.
*This is IF you are using one pillowcase to make 1 bag. If you are making two bags, cut both plain case and pretty case in half lengthwise.

Take the 8 1/2" piece and cut off the 'hem'. (You want the inside bag to be shorter than the cover) Leave the hem on the wider (10 1/2" piece)

Turn cases inside out, and sew along the long edge of both. You will leave the end open to put the rice in.  Turn pillowcases right side out again. Set the larger one aside for now.

You must now divide the smaller 'rice' bag into thirds and mark. This will give 3 rice pockets within the bag. You don't want all the rice to bunch up at one end, right?

Now measure two cups of rice and pour into the bag. Take to the sewing machine and with the rice at the end, sew on the first marked line (about 9" from the end).  Fill again with 2 cups rice, and sew the next pocket (18" from the end). And lastly fill the last section with 2 cups rice and sew up the end completely.

Now you can take the larger piece that you put aside earlier, and add a little velcro closure at the hemmed end. This is optional, but a nice touch.

Now, if you get the outer case dirty, you can take it off and wash it, leaving the rice bag intact. Remember heating the rice is okay, getting it wet is NOT.

To heat up the neck warmer, put the whole thing into the microwave for 2 min.
It will smell like rice, but feel soooo nice!!
You can use this over and over with no worries about cooking the rice. And the shape of the rice bag conforms nicely to any achy part.
Perhaps you can warm your feet, and use it for warm lumbar support.
Hey you could even use it a bed warmer on these chilly nights.
Heat it up, and put it between the sheets a little while before you slip yourself into bed. Who needs an electric blanket? (Just an electric microwave)

tip of the day:
Since we are using rice, why not make a quick shoe deodorizer with that little bit left over in the rice package?
Get a couple of clean socks, mismatched is a good way to use up those "lost in the wash" ones.  Pour some rice into it, some baking soda, and perhaps some potpourri, I like to use the lavendar I dry myself.
Sew or knot or twist tie the end shut and mush, smush and squash the contents around to mix,  then stick one in those smelly sneakers.
These should absorb the moisture and leave a nicer smell.

That's all for today!

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