Friday, October 28, 2011

This is Ghostly!

I love making new things from old stuff

Autumn leaves changing colors, children changing personalities, cheesecloth changing into ghosts. It's a time of...change! For your Halloween decor, try these cute ghosts. It's a snap to make them, large or small, eezy peezy! It's not a new idea, but a good one.

Today's project is:
Cheesecloth ghosts

You will need:
~fabric stiffener
~black felt
~tall glass or vase
~tennis ball or crumpled foil
~Tacky glue
~wax paper, and Saran Wrap

You should double or triple the cloth (as one layer is too flimsy). The bigger the ghost, the more layers for strength.
Figure out how big your ghost should be. And cut it accordingly.
Take the cheesecloth and soak it in a bowl of fabric stiffener.

Take a glass or vase, and put the tennis ball on top.  (or crumple aluminum foil into a ball). Cover this all with Saran Wrap. Place on waxed paper (to catch the drips from the fabric stiffener.

Drape the cloth (which you have squeezed out) on the top of this, coming down on the sides. Form the edges into a nice shape. When this dries, it will be stiff in the position you have left it.

When dry, lift gently off the form.
Cut out a mouth and eyes and glue onto the face with Tacky Glue.
Use a battery operated tea light to glow it's ghostly, transparent self.

Tip of the day:
I parked under the pine tree in my driveway and got that nasty sap on it. I slathered some mayonnaise on the drips and let sit for about 15 min.  After that, I wiped it off with a cotton rag. Voila! Then I cleaned it as usual.
I'll save those pine boughs for Christmas decorations, and not for covering my car.

That's all for today!

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